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Client Stories

Creating experiences that delight your customers and create raving fans (and referrals) requires an intentional approach. Each of these client stories is unique as yours will be too. What they have in common is the positive impact on their firm’s growth and profitability of their intentional design, implementation, and measurement of their CX strategy. Where are you on the journey? We can help.

Relationship Building

McDonald York puts Client Experience (CX) at the center of its business. Using training, collaboration, and technology, the firm continues to strengthen client relationships while maintaining (and increasing) profitability. What has been the key to their success? McDonald York integrates the elements of its CX strategy with the firm’s existing business processes.

Client Listening

SME launched its Client Listening (Voice of Client or VoC) program with a small pilot group to test out the Client Feedback Tool (CFT). Among their initial goals was to determine both the benefits of using electronic surveys to their understanding of their client perception and the firm’s ability to integrate the program into their existing service delivery.



Managing Expectations

WithersRavenel learned that even when you have a good client relationship – perhaps especially when you have a long positive history – it can be difficult for your client contact to open up and share when they have concerns or feel their needs are not being met, for fear of jeopardizing the relationship. Read how their CX initiative, the WithersRavenel Way, helped them identify issues and reset expectations (and the project relationship).

Balanced Approach

In 2012, Neumann Monson (NM) began a transformation that has led them to blend their team’s values and expertise with their clients’ input and needs. Finding the balance between being focused from the “Inside-Out” and the “Outside-In” took time and required commitment and engagement from the entire NM team. Their case study provides an honest look at this journey and the struggles and successes they have experienced along the way.